March 2024 Culture Calendar

Month-long observances:

National Women’s History Month

Too often, women’s contributions to the world have been ignored, overshadowed, or brushed aside. This month is dedicated to honoring the determination and gifts women have shared with the world throughout history.

Observation Suggestion: The best way to honor women at your organization is to ensure their contributions are equally valued. If you don’t know whether or not there’s a gender pay or leadership gap, commit to measuring. If you know there is, commit to closing the gap with specific actions. If you know there isn’t – celebrate! 

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

About 15% of people worldwide live with developmental disabilities. The same people face barriers every day, preventing them from being fully included in even the most fundamental opportunities. Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month sheds light on the relationship between the way people function and how they’re able to participate in the communities around them.

Observation Suggestion: Research developmental disabilities and learn about the different barriers people may face. Leverage that information within your organization so you can limit those barriers. Bring in a professional to help you bridge the gaps.

Ethnic Equality Month

Ethnic Equality Month is an opportunity to overcome biases and recognize and appreciate the differences and commonalities between people of various backgrounds. 

Observation Suggestion: Hire a team to assess your organization’s culture to find the most prominent implicit biases. Then, work to create a space where the gaps are filled and ethnicities are respected and appreciated.

Gender Equality Month

According to the United Nations Development Programme, about 90% of all people hold a bias against women, proving that gender equality is still not a reality despite women holding an indispensable role in our societies. This month is all about raising awareness of this gender bias and celebrating women’s contributions and achievements.

Observation Suggestion: Host a workshop to teach your teams about gender biases, including the nuances they may not realize contribute to inequality. Bring us in to talk to your women employees and help them with the professional development to reach their career goals.

Greek-American Heritage Month

Today, there are over 2.5 million Americans with Greek heritage. Greek culture has a strong influence on American arts, knowledge, and even civic responsibility. This month also includes the celebration of Greek Independence Day. 

Celebration Suggestion: Invite employees with Greek heritage to share family history or traditions with their colleagues during an informal social hour. 

Irish-American Heritage Month

Irish-American Heritage Month is a month-long celebration of many Irish contributions to American culture with a spotlight on the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. 

Celebration Suggestion: Look into how people of Irish heritage have impacted your industry or your headquarters location and share those historical connections as part of your St. Patrick’s Day celebration.

National Colon Cancer Awareness Month

With over 100,000 new cases every year, colon cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the United States. This month, we dedicate time to spread awareness of both symptoms and early detection so more people have the information to save their lives earlier.

Observance Suggestion: Raise awareness through your all-staff newsletter or intranet with information about risk factors and screening for colon cancer, and how your benefit plan covers preventative measures. 

National Kidney Month

Kidney disease is known as a silent disease because of how few symptoms appear until it’s very advanced. National Kidney Month raises awareness about the risks of undetected kidney disease and lifestyle changes that can help maintain kidney health.  

Observance Suggestion: Host a health fair for employees to be screened for high blood pressure (a common risk factor), and access resources about healthy diets and reducing stress. 

National Multiple Sclerosis Awareness and Education Month

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition that can cause many different symptoms including difficulty walking and changes in memory. This month, we aim to raise awareness of the disease, bringing attention to current research as well as new information on treatment.

Observation Suggestion: There are a number of walks and events you can participate in to help raise funds for research. Become a corporate sponsor of an event and encourage employees to participate as part of a company team. 

Calendar dates:

March 1 – Employee Appreciation Day 

Today is a reminder to managers to stop and show appreciation for the hard work their employees do. A strong employer-employee relationship is the foundation of any successful business. Appreciating your employees authentically goes a long way.

Celebration Suggestion: In addition to the swag and celebrations your employees may enjoy, consider showing your appreciation for your direct reports’ hard work by writing LinkedIn recommendations about each of them and the value they bring to your team. 

March 8 – International Women’s Day (same every year)

Today is a celebration of all women and their achievements around the world. Women everywhere are impacting how we communicate, run our communities, and influence our governments. 

Celebration Suggestion: Honor the women in your organization. Make it easy for them to have the day they deserve and want by giving them a paid day off. Offer a leadership development course or a workshop to level up in their careers. Bring in professionals to empower them to achieve their goals.

March 8 – Maha Shivarati (Hindu)

This is a major Hindu festival that marks overcoming the dark spaces in life. Those who celebrate let go of their sins and make the promise to continue on a journey toward righteousness. Hindu people celebrate this sacred day with both enthusiasm and introspection.

Observance Suggestion: Understand that many Hindu people fast during Maha Shivarati with the exception of a few fast-compliant foods. Consider asking other employees to eat their meals, especially if they have meat, in a different area of the office out of respect for those who are fasting.

March 10 – Ramadan begins (Muslim)

Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims to dedicate themselves to God through prayer and fasting in recognition of when the Prophet Muhammad initially received divine revelation. Many working Muslims will be fasting from sunrise to sunset every day for 30 days.

Observation Suggestion: Create awareness around the practice of fasting for Ramadan among all employees, including the impact it may have on those observing. Provide flexible scheduling to accommodate for the impact of day-long fasting, and avoid high-demand expectations later in the day. 

March 12 – All Women’s Equal Pay Day

While awareness and corporate and legal action to decrease gender pay gaps are on the rise, women still make, on average, 83 cents for every dollar of a man. The goal of All Women’s Equal Pay Day is to continue raising awareness until women don’t have to work twice as hard to make the same money as their male counterparts.

Observation Suggestion: Hire an expert to assess the pay structures within your organization and find the gaps. Then, create a system that will help bridge it. Bring in a professional to help leaders overcome the biases that lead to pay gaps across organizations. 

March 14 – Pi Day (same every year)

While the mathematical value of pie is approximately 3.14 (the circumference of a circle), the day 3/14 is all about the combination of fun, education, and of course, pie. Several shops will carry Pi Day deals, honoring the price of $3.14 and many people will enjoy the perfect circular dessert.

Celebration Suggestion: Honor the math enthusiasts by getting your own spread of pies to share in your organization! Don’t forget to shop small at a local bakery.

March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day (same every year)

St. Paddy’s Day, Saint Patties, St. Patrick’s Day… whatever you call it, you know it as the day everyone calls themselves Irish. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated in more countries around the world than any other single holiday and is filled with green clothing, shamrocks, and colored beer. 

Celebration Suggestion: Invite employees with Irish heritage to share family history or traditions with their colleagues during an informal social hour. 

March 20 – Naw-Ruz (Baha’i New Year)

Translated, Naw-Ruz is Persian for “New Day.” It’s a Bahai holy day observed with joy and optimism, as well as the practice of their faith. There’s no one way to celebrate, but many Baha’i people get together with their families to read scripture and share a meal.

Observation Suggestion: Make sure employees have flexible time off to observe. Consider hosting a “Signs of Spring” celebration and include Naw-Ruz, alongside holidays like Easter and Holi. 

March 21 – Harmony Day (same every year)

Originally an Australian celebration, National Harmony Day is now recognized worldwide. This day is dedicated to bringing unity to all people, regardless of their differences. It aims to create a world of peace and understanding between neighbors, coworkers, and community members.

Celebration Suggestion: Host a workshop to talk about the diversity within your organization. Celebrate each individual detail that comes up to show the span of differences and commonalities that contribute to your culture. 

March 21 – World Down Syndrome Day (same every year)

About 6,000 babies are both with down syndrome every year. This day is used to create awareness and promote inclusivity so that those with down syndrome can have the support to participate in society without obstacles in their way. The 2023 theme is “With Us Not For Us.”

Observation Suggestion: To honor the theme of “With Us Not For Us,” share resources from – a guide created by people with down syndrome to encourage creating inclusive environments.

March 23-24 – Purim (Jewish)

The rough translation of Purim is “lots,” and this Jewish festival is full of lots. Lots of food. Lots of gifts. Lots of celebrations of Jewish survival in history.

Observation Suggestion: Some who observe may be fasting, so be mindful of the effects that may have throughout the day. Be sure to allow for flexible time off. And to wish someone a happy Purim, say: “Chag Purim Sameach” [khahg poo-REEM sah-MAY-akh].

March 25 – Holi (Hindu)

Holi is a Hindu festival to welcome Spring. It’s seen as a new beginning where people can let go of whatever has been holding them back and start over. Many Hindus let loose during this time because it’s when the gods turn a blind eye. They cover themselves in colorful powder, dance in crowds, and party in the streets.

Celebration Suggestion: Ask your Hindu team members how they’re celebrating Holi with their families. If there is a festival nearby, ask if you can join the fun. Participating firsthand will give you the opportunity to fully understand how and why Hindu people celebrate.

March 25 – International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade (same every year)

The slave trade lasted over four centuries and impacted nearly 15 million African men, women, and children. This day is meant to honor those victims and pay respects to their stories.

Observation Suggestion: Research whether and how forms of exploitation and structural oppression played a role in your company or industry’s history, share what you’ve learned, and open a conversation about how to make amends. 

March 28 – Lent Ends

Lent marks the 40 days and 40 nights Jesus spent fasting in the desert in the Christian religion. It’s a period of grief and fasting from indulgences like alcohol and meat. The end of Lent, however, is welcomed with a big Easter celebration.

Celebration Suggestion: Consider holding a lunch “feast” for your workers. Order from local restaurants and small businesses so those who decided to fast during the Lent season can indulge in different foods and tastes.

March 29 – Good Friday (Christian)

Falling on the Friday before Easter, Good Friday commemorates the death of Jesus. This is an important religious holiday for many Christian families. Sometimes, it’s a very personal day for prayer and self-reflection.

Observance Suggestion: Allow employees to take the day off for personal observances. 

March 31 – Easter (Christian)

Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter is the most important holy day in Christianity. This is the central belief in the Christian religion. If Jesus is resurrected, then Christians will also experience a resurrection in heaven.

Celebration Suggestion: Sponsor a community Easter Egg hunt to provide access to the celebrations for any family in your community who observes. 

March 31 – International Transgender Day of Visibility (same every year)

This day is set aside to honor and celebrate the transgender population. Too often, transgender people are discriminated against because they don’t “fit in” society’s standards. Transgender Day of Visibility encourages people to stand up and declare that transgender people deserve protected rights so they can feel safer being themselves.

Observance Suggestion: As transgender people face a new wave of overt discrimination, many rallies and events showing support are taking place in local communities. Provide employees with information about those events and allow them time off to participate to show support. 

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